[Massplanners] deadline for filing materials?

Pendergast, Georgia gpendergast at danversma.gov
Thu Mar 2 12:19:39 EST 2023

We we're having the same problem here in Danvers, so we decided to add a "materials deadline" and a "supplemental deadline" to our application submission schedules. The materials deadline gives the applicant additional time to submit items to staff that were missing from the application (about 4 days). The supplemental deadline is the final day applicants can submit something to the Board for review (about 2 weeks before the hearing).  An example of our submission schedule can be found here: https://www.danversma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/1318/ZBA-Submission-Schedule-2023

We've been operating with these deadlines for about 2+ years now, and it seems to be working well. The timelines we set for the submission dates were based on what the Board members were already informally requiring from applicants, but, putting it in writing on the schedule has helped!


Georgia Pendergast | Staff Planner| Planning + Economic Development Division |
Department of Land Use & Community Services | Town of Danvers |
(P): 978-777-0001 ext. 3027
Visit the Zoning Board of Appeals Webpage<https://www.danversma.gov/departments/zoning-board-appeals/> or the Conservation Commission Webpage<https://www.danversma.gov/departments/conservation-commission/> for filing information.

From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> On Behalf Of Barbara Carboni via MassPlanners
Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2023 10:30 AM
To: MassPlanners at masscptc.org; massplanners-request at masscptc.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] - [Massplanners] deadline for filing materials?

Good morning all:

I know this was discussed at some point within the last year or two -

The Planning Board is considering adopting a policy to address the practice of applicants and others submitting materials right up to the time/date of a hearing, which is quite burdensome to our administrative assistant (as well as depriving board members a reasonable opportunity to review the materials).   The concept is that materials submitted after XXX would not be considered at the meeting.  There was discussion around what an acceptable interval would be - 48 hours before hearing; 24 hours before hearing; noon the day before hearing, etc.

Does anyone have a policy like this (or other strategy)? As previously discussed, it's easy to adopt a policy; not so easy to stick to it.


Barbara Carboni  AICP
Truro Town Planner and Land Use Counsel
(508) 214 0928

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