[Massplanners] Properties in a Historic District

Paige paigeplanner at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 16:01:04 EST 2022

Thank you everyone for such prompt and helpful responses!!



Paige E. Duncan, AICP

Director of Land Use and Economic Development

Town of Foxborough

40 South Street

Foxborough, MA 02035

W: 508.543.1250

F: 508.543.6278

pduncan at foxboroughma.gov


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On Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 12:20 PM Elaine Lazarus <elainel at hopkintonma.gov>

> Paige,
> In Hopkinton I monitor property sales, and everyone who buys a property in
> one of our historic districts (we have 2 districts, and this occurs only in
> the district where the Commission wants to do this) is sent a letter
> informing them that they are in the District and what that means. We've
> also tried to flag the internal Building files for the properties, both the
> paper and electronic folders, but it isn't foolproof. It's the
> Administrative Assistants who are best about remembering and consulting
> their list of historic district properties, so it helps if someone in the
> office other than the building officials have this information.
> We also send a letter to everyone who buys property on scenic roads. It's
> been pretty effective in reducing violations there.
> Hope this is helpful!
> Elaine
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 10:53 AM Paige via MassPlanners <
> massplanners at masscptc.org> wrote:
>> All,
>> Looking to see if anyone has suggestions regarding properties in a
>> Historic District. Basically a property in our District was sold and the
>> owners were unaware it was in a HD. Through a series of errors, they were
>> allowed to build a structure without review by the HD Commission.
>> We know the Building Dept needs to catch these things but by the time
>> they would have gone to Building, they already owned the property in a HD.
>> We are hoping to make sure folks are notified during the pre-sale due
>> diligence (or to make sure out of town realtors are aware and disclose).
>> I have been asked to see if there are any ways to ensure folks are
>> informed a property is in a HD up front. I know sign posting is one way but
>> beyond that ...
>> Does anyone know of a way to do a single filing at the registry that
>> would flag the properties in the HD when deed research is being done?  Any
>> other ideas or techniques?
>> The other issue is making sure residents are reminded every so often. We
>> will likely recommend the HD Commission send out an annual mailing covering
>> the key points of being in a HD but wonder if other communities have come
>> up against this issue and if they have any ideas or thoughts.
>> Thank you in advance for any advice/input.
>> ~Paige
>> --
>> *****************************
>> Paige E. Duncan, AICP, Director of Land Use and Economic Development
>> Foxborough Town Hall, 40 South Street
>> Foxborough, Massachusetts 02035
>> Ph: 508-543-1250
>> pduncan at foxboroughma.gov
>> --
>> MassPlanners mailing list
>> MassPlanners at masscptc.org
>> http://masscptc.org/mailman/listinfo/massplanners_masscptc.org
> --
> Elaine C. Lazarus
> Assistant Town Manager
> Town of Hopkinton
> 18 Main St.
> Hopkinton, MA  01748
> 508-497-9701
> All email messages and attached content sent from and to this email
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> All email messages and attached content sent from and to this email
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> Visit us online at *www.hopkintonma.gov <http://www.hopkintonma.gov>.*


Paige E. Duncan, AICP, Director of Land Use and Economic Development
Foxborough Town Hall, 40 South Street
Foxborough, Massachusetts 02035
Ph: 508-543-1250

pduncan at foxboroughma.gov
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