[Massplanners] Regulation of Dumpster Screening

Town Planner planner at town.deerfield.ma.us
Tue May 7 15:46:14 EDT 2024

Hi Eric,

Deerfield's bylaw w/r/t performance standards for dumpsters for manufacturing/assembly/fabrication facilities:

Adequate provision for trash disposal and screening of refuse areas containing dumpsters or other containers shall be provided from abutting parcels and roadways. Solid wood fencing should be used unless an alternative acceptable to the ZBA is approved.

Also saw this from Boxborough which may be more useful if looking to have the regs scale:

If any trash receptacle exceeds 55 gallons or if the aggregate of trash on a lot exceeds 150 gallons, it shall be screened from public view. Temporary trash receptacles are exempt from these provisions provided that they are on site for no longer than 60 days. Temporary trash receptacles used for construction activities are exempt from these provisions during the duration of the site’s building permit, or for 60 days, whichever is longer.

Hope that's helpful,

Christopher Dunne, MPA

Planning & Economic Development Coordinator

Town of Deerfield

8 Conway Street

South Deerfield, MA, 01373

(413) 665-1400 ex. 117


From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> on behalf of Eric Smith via MassPlanners <massplanners at masscptc.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 3:27 PM
To: Mass Planners <massplanners at masscptc.org>
Subject: [Massplanners] Regulation of Dumpster Screening

Hello Mass Planners,

A Planning Board member of ours was inquiring about requiring screening around two dumpsters at a particular group home property.   This group home was recently renovated (had been a general boarding house) and didn't trigger a Site Plan Review application before our Planning Board, as that's reserved for new construction.  Plus, the use is an exempted use under MGL Ch. 40A, Sect. 3, thus didn't trigger a Special Permit for multi-family housing units.

We do have screening requirements as part of our site plan review for new construction.  I spoke with our Building Inspector/Zoning Enforcement Officer, and after reviewing our existing zoning bylaws, there's nothing currently in the general zoning provisions that require dumpster screening, outside site plan review.

Thus, I wanted to see if there's any Massachusetts' communities have any general standards either in their zoning or general bylaws that require all dumpsters to be screened.

I look forward in hearing about any such examples we can look into for Athol.

Thank you, Eric

Eric R. Smith, AICP

Director of Planning and Development

Town of Athol

584 Main Street,

Athol, MA 01331

(978) 721-8500 ext. 517

esmith at townofathol.org

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