[Massplanners] Full agenda available - MHP's Housing Institute

Emma McGurren EMcGurren at mhp.net
Thu May 2 10:47:20 EDT 2024

Hello everyone,

The full agenda has been posted for MHP's 17th Housing Institute, June 12 and 13 at AC Hotel Worcester: https://www.mhp.net/news/2024/registration-is-open-for-mhps-17th-housing-institute. Registration will close on May 28.

The discounted room rate expires on May 11—contact the hotel or book online: https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1708715907213&key=GRP&app=resvlink.

Please reach out to me directly with any questions and looking forward to seeing everyone in person,

Emma McGurren (she/her)
Program Coordinator for Community Assistance
Massachusetts Housing Partnership
160 Federal Street, Boston, MA 02110
Web: http://www.mhp.net<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.mhp.net/__;!!CUhgQOZqV7M!y72cZClFiza2bq198nmFu5gxeVCItEbVsqbzjXZkhVSPidw7ylRuM5PNidseH6z3T0HqYkUo4LPkQOk$>
Direct line: 857-317-8517
Main: 617-330-9955
emcgurren at mhp.net<mailto:emcgurren at mhp.net>


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