[Massplanners] SNEAPA 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities

Thomas Bott tbott.townplanner at verizon.net
Fri Jun 14 11:00:20 EDT 2024

Dear Planners:

While the clock on the wall saysits Friday, Friday Friday (sing it with me)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0 the clock on the SNEAPA website reads145 days 22 hours 41 minutes and 30 seconds* until the SNEAPA conference in Springfield,MASS.


While we are the beneficiaries ofthis annual event that allows us to sharpen our skills and broaden our networks conferencesaren’t possible without the generous support of sponsors. Whether it wasNapoleon’s “c'est la soupe qui fait le soldat” or Frederickthe Great who said “an armymarches on its stomach” we simply can not gather without the assistance of oursponsors: both our venerated long time supporter and our new and futurepartners. 


Brian Creamer of NitschEngineering bcreamer at nitscheng.com hasgraciously stepped up lead the Sponsorship Committee and invites you to feedyour conference so our presenters can feed your head.  


The 2024 Southern NewEngland American Planning Association (SNEAPA) Conference, will take place on November7th and 8th at the MassMutual Center inSpringfield, MA.  Together, the Massachusetts, Connecticut, and RhodeIsland Chapters of the American Planning Association organize an annualregional planning conference.  The SNEAPA Conference draws 500+ planners,engineers, architects, students, and other professionals to share experiences,collaborate, network, and earn maintenance credits for AICPcertification.  The conference features two days of high quality, hands-onand interactive sessions, mobile workshops, planning law and planning ethicspresentations, member networking, vendor contacts, plus a few surprises andoffers one of the best learning experiences for APA/AICP members in the region.For AICP members, this is a valuable experience to gain credits for CertificationMaintenance.


The SNEAPA conference provides opportunities for you andyour firm to be a sponsor, advertiser, or exhibitor for the conference.


Some ways your firm can benefit from sponsoring or beingan exhibitor at the SNEAPA 2024 Conference:

·        Increased brand visibility among New England-based planning professionals

·        Access to a targeted audience of 500+ attendees

·        Opportunity to showcase your products/servicesthrough a number of conference activities and unique opportunities highlightedin the attached SNEAPA SponsorshipBrochure

·        Networking with other planning professionalsand potential clients


We have various sponsorship packages available, eachtailored to meet different marketing objectives. A complete description of oursponsorship packages is attached.


Many of our sponsorship opportunities are limited andexclusive! Registering early provides you the best opportunity to get thesponsorship package you desire and ensures maximum exposure for your firm.


You can register for now for a sponsorship at www.sneapa.org or click here for Exclusive Sponsorship opportunities and here for General Sponsorship opportunities.


Please reach out to the Sponsorship Committee lead BrianCreamer at bcreamer at nitscheng.com with any questions.

*all times basedon when you actually click on the website to find out that Sponsorships are available now and the ConferenceRegistration opens in August. 
TBott Thomas Bott CranberryLAnd USA Town Planner
Practicing Planning in the Commonwealth since the last Millennium  #TownPlannerSilverJubilee
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