[Massplanners] Housing Production Plans

Tozer, Jeanette TozerJ at worcesterma.gov
Fri Jun 14 15:15:23 EDT 2024

Hello MA Planners!

Do you have a Housing Production Plan (HPP) or related housing plan you’re proud of? Have you encountered any HPPs (or the like) that you found particularly good, innovative, exemplary, etc.?

I’m hoping to gather some more inspiration for a Housing Production Plan that is getting underway, and this seemed like an appropriate request for a Friday afternoon 😊

Thank you,

Jeanette R. Tozer, AICP (she, her)
Affordable Housing Trust Fund Manager
Executive Office of Economic Development
City of Worcester | 455 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01608
P: 508-799-1400 x31438
E: tozerj at worcesterma.gov<mailto:tozerj at worcesterma.gov>

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