[Massplanners] Planning Board Policy for Submission of Meeting Materials

Harry LaCortiglia hlacortiglia at comcast.net
Thu Jan 25 06:43:22 EST 2024

That's the firm policy in Georgetown.

One week prior, or it doesn't get discussed at the meeting.


No one likes to have a 30 page report dropped into their inbox at 5PM, 
for a meeting to be held at 7:00.

H. LaCortiglia
Georgetown Planning Board

On 1/24/2024 12:17 PM, John Charbonneau via MassPlanners wrote:
> Everyone,
> The Planning Board in Rutland recently established a policy that any 
> materials or documents that are to be considered at an upcoming 
> meeting are required to be received a minimum of seven (7) days prior 
> to the meeting in question.This allows adequate time for the Board, 
> staff, abutters and representatives on the other side of the project 
> to review the materials rather than receiving them the day before the 
> meeting or at the meeting itself, allowing forHearing more productive 
> discussions.I’m sure most of you have received emails in the hours 
> prior to a meeting with the expectation that they will be received and 
> provided to the Board that evening.
> What other town’s Planning Boards have adopted a similar policy?Thank 
> you in advance for your assistance!
> John
> *John Charbonneau*
> *Town Planner & Community Development Coordinator
> Town of Rutland
> 246 Main Street
> Rutland, MA 01543
> (508) 886-4100 x3001*
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