[Massplanners] IZ and SPR in MBTA Multifamily Zoning

Ryan, Christopher cryan at belmont-ma.gov
Wed Apr 24 15:55:31 EDT 2024

Hi all

Belmont is considering embedding specialized language for Inclusionary Zoning and Site Plan review within our MBTA zoning section. If there are any communities out there who have drafted any such embedded language in those two areas, we'd love to see what you have developed. Also, if you decided to not go this route and just cross referenced external sections for these, we'd like to hear why you chose that path.

Thanks in advance,

Chris R.

Christopher J. Ryan, AICP
Director of Planning & Building
Town of Belmont
19 Moore Street
Belmont, MA 02478-0900
Tel: 617.993.2658
Email: cryan at belmont-ma.gov<mailto:cryan at belmont-ma.gov>
Web: https://www.belmont-ma.gov/office-of-planning-building

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