[Massplanners] MAPD Mass. Case Law Annual Review

Kristina Johnson kjohnson at townofhudson.org
Thu Sep 21 09:12:08 EDT 2023

ICYMI... Don't forget to register!

The Massachusetts Association of Planning Directors annual Massachusetts land use case law review is again virtual for 2023--September 29, 2023 from 12-2PM. Our favorite legal team is back to give us an overview of recent cases specific to planning and zoning laws in Massachusetts. Zoom webinar links will be emailed the day before the workshop. 2.0 AICP CM Law Credits  have  been approved. The legal lineup Includes: Barbara Saint Andre<https://www.linkedin.com/in/ACoAAAJDJccBuXyfSg1XGOThNyurpfTP4mNDoEI> Saint-Andre, Esq. - Director of Community and Economic Development, Town of Medway; llana Quirk, Esq., Director of Planning and Community Development, Town of Norwell.

Here's the link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mapd-annual-massachusetts-land-use-case-law-review-2023-tickets-710534236027

For any questions/concerns, please email maplanningdirectors at gmail.com<mailto:maplanningdirectors at gmail.com>



Kristina Johnson, AICP
Director of Planning and Community Development
Town of Hudson, Massachusetts
kjohnson at townofhudson.org<mailto:kjohnson at townofhudson.org>

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