[Massplanners] Town of Brewster- Housing Program Assistant

Jonathon Idman jIdman at brewster-ma.gov
Thu Sep 21 08:46:15 EDT 2023

Good morning,

The Town of Brewster seeks a qualified and collaborative professional to serve as the Town's first Housing Program Assistant. Under the direction of the Housing Coordinator, this new position will be responsible for performing professional, technical, and administrative work in providing support services for housing-related programs, projects, and activities.

This is a part-time, 19 hour a week position, covered under the Town's Personnel By-Law Agreement, with a starting pay rate of $28.37-$31.93 per hour, depending on qualifications and experience.

For more information please visit the Town website Housing Program Assistant Job Posting (brewster-ma.gov)<https://www.brewster-ma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif6286/f/uploads/housing_program_assistant_job_posting.pdf>

Thank you,

Susan Broderick
Human Resources Director
Town of Brewster
508-896-3701 x 1170

Brewster Town Offices are open to the public Monday through Thursday from 8:30 to 4:00pm, and by appointment on Fridays. For the latest updates on Town services, please visit www.brewster-ma.gov<http://www.brewster-ma.gov/>

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