[Massplanners] "All permits obtained" and applicability in MA model flood bylaw

Duperault, Joy (DCR) joy.duperault at mass.gov
Wed Sep 20 11:05:58 EDT 2023

Good morning.  On October 5th we're offering a free, online session called "Use of a Floodplain Development Permit." I've attached a flyer-please feel free to register.  A couple of days before the class I'll be sending out the link to everyone that registers. In case the flyer doesn't come through, here's a link to the registration list: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Fh2GPrdIDkqYBowE2Bt7KgtYjTt4FxtPtGmbbsPoMKRUQkdESVNGNUc4M1RLOUZBT09QSE1ISFVVWi4u

Joy Duperault, CFM
State NFIP Coordinator/Director, Flood Hazard Management Program
MA Dept. of Conservation & Recreation
857-286-0326 or joy.duperault at mass.gov

From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> On Behalf Of Tom Devine via MassPlanners
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2023 11:57 AM
To: massplanners at masscptc.org
Subject: [Massplanners] "All permits obtained" and applicability in MA model flood bylaw

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Hello Planners,

For communities with a flood ordinance or bylaw that requires the following from the State Floodplain Office's model bylaw, I am curious how you administer it. The city doesn't administer, enforce, or determine applicability of state and federal permits.

Assure that all necessary permits are obtained:
The town's permit review process includes the requirement that the proponent obtain all local, state and federal permits that will be necessary in order to carry out the proposed development in the floodplain overlay district.  The proponent must acquire all necessary permits, and must demonstrate that all necessary permits have been acquired.

While I am at it, I'm also interested to know how you determine what activities are subject based on the highlighted parts of this other paragraph from the model:

The Town/City of _______ requires a permit for all proposed construction or other development in the floodplain overlay district, including new construction or changes to existing buildings, placement of manufactured homes, placement of agricultural facilities, fences, sheds, storage facilities or drilling, mining, paving and any other development that might increase flooding or adversely impact flood risks to other properties.

Thank you in advance for your responses.


Tom Devine, AICP | Senior Planner
City of Salem Department of Planning & Community Development
98 Washington St., 2nd Floor | Salem, MA 01970
978-619-5682 | tdevine at salem.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/mail.salem.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=ff17803e708040dd947c435c604b284a&URL=mailto*3atdevine*40salem.com__;JSU!!CPANwP4y!WmzGN2jKhlmrbLQPgeWp1xbXS9YG5YFD-VqDEPGdG7eHEPW0xPj5gU1v3l1olDM78f__ihCX-aR2F89GjbF-MFRx8nBuZg$>

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