[Massplanners] Upcoming Coastal Regional Engagement Sessions on Reducing Flood Risk through Local Actions - hosted by Mass EOED, EEA, DCR, and CZM

Bulens, Nicholas (EOED) Nicholas.Bulens at mass.gov
Wed Nov 15 10:26:21 EST 2023

Reducing Flood Risk through Local Actions: Upcoming Coastal Regional Engagement Sessions

The Executive Office of Economic Development (EOED) is hosting a series of online engagement sessions to inform development of a Local Floodplain Action Guide, a guide to assist cities and towns in taking impactful zoning, administrative, and other local actions to reduce flood risk and promote flood-resilient construction. Municipal staff and board members, elected officials, regional planning agencies, community-based organizations, and stakeholders are invited to join and contribute. Upcoming sessions include the following:

  *   Reducing Flood Risk in Boston Harbor and the North & South Shores, Regional Engagement Session via Zoom, November 30th at 12 pm: bit.ly/floodplain-shores
  *   Reducing Flood Risk on the Cape, Islands, and South Coast, Regional Engagement Session via Zoom, December 7th at 12 pm: bit.ly/floodplain-islands

Sessions will be conducted in an online format, with date, time, and topic. Full event details are available at https://www.mass.gov/building-code-study-and-local-floodplain-action-guide.

Can't make the session for your region? Don't worry. Join another or share your input using the online Feedback Form<https://forms.office.com/g/ux0pPcnsWE>.

This Local Floodplain Action Guide is collaborative project between EOED, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA), the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), and the Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM).

Nicholas Bulens (He/Him/His)
Executive Office of Economic Development (EOED)
Email: nicholas.bulens at mass.gov<mailto:nicholas.bulens at mass.gov>
One Ashburton Place, Room 2101
Boston, MA 02108

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