[Massplanners] multi-model transportation improvement fees

Belansky, Evan ebelansky at chelmsfordma.gov
Mon Jul 10 09:47:19 EDT 2023

Chelmsford Planning Board has a long standing adopted policy of charging $100 per NEW parking space constructed in which the funds are to be deposited into dedicated geographic areas of town for roadway, sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle capital improvements.

We are interested in updating this policy and initial thoughts are to use a fee formula on total sq. ft. of a proposal and distinguish between multi-family and commercial / industrial.


  1.  Does your town have a similar policy and / or regulation?
  2.  If so what are the specifics?
  3.  If not then how are projects that do NOT warrant specific transportation improvements handled?


Evan Belansky
Chelmsford Community Development

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