[Massplanners] Petitioned Zoning Amendments

Alan Pease master471 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 11:36:00 EST 2023

If we don't have enough money in our budget to advertise the hearing for
petition zoning articles we request a reserve fund transfer for an
unanticipated expense. My understanding is the Planning Board is required
to hold a hearing and therefor incurs any associated costs.

On Fri, Feb 3, 2023, 8:35 AM Kristina Johnson via MassPlanners <
massplanners at masscptc.org> wrote:

> Hello Friends and Colleagues,
> A Friday question for my municipal peeps…for petitioned zoning amendments,
> who is responsible for paying for the legal advertisements for the
> statutory public hearing? The petitioner (s)? The property owner? The
> municipality? Here is Hudson this cost is borne by my Department’s Ad
> budget; and, as you all know, the cost for legal ads adds up quick. Lately,
> we are getting a lot of petitioned articles (many we don’t even support),
> and this cost is wiping out my budget.
> Let me know how your municipality handles this cost.
> Thanks, and stay warm.
> Best,
> Kristina
> *Kristina Johnson, AICP*
> Director of Planning & Community Development
> Town of Hudson,  MA
> President, Mass. Association of Planning Directors
> Tel: 978-562-2989
> Cell:  857-939-3427
> Email: kjohnson at townofhudson.org
> --
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