[Massplanners] Petitioned Zoning Amendments

Thomas Bott tbott.townplanner at verizon.net
Fri Feb 3 13:26:05 EST 2023

Dear Alan:The PB is required to hold a hearing within 65(?) days of when the Select Board forwards the articles to Planning. If the TA's office doesn't have a complete petition, i.e. no check for advertising, they don't/can't forward the petition in order for Planning to advertise.TBott 
Thomas Bott Carver Town Planner
You too could follow me on Twitter @TBottPlimoth but it clearly isn’t necessary 

    On Friday, February 3, 2023 at 01:12:31 PM EST, Alan Pease via MassPlanners <massplanners at masscptc.org> wrote:  
 If we don't have enough money in our budget to advertise the hearing for petition zoning articles we request a reserve fund transfer for an unanticipated expense. My understanding is the Planning Board is required to hold a hearing and therefor incurs any associated costs.
On Fri, Feb 3, 2023, 8:35 AM Kristina Johnson via MassPlanners <massplanners at masscptc.org> wrote:

Hello Friends and Colleagues,


A Friday question for my municipal peeps…for petitioned zoning amendments, who is responsible for paying for the legal advertisements for the statutory public hearing? The petitioner (s)? The property owner? The municipality? Here is Hudson this cost is borne by my Department’s Ad budget; and, as you all know, the cost for legal ads adds up quick. Lately, we are getting a lot of petitioned articles (many we don’t even support), and this cost is wiping out my budget.


Let me know how your municipality handles this cost.


Thanks, and stay warm.




Kristina Johnson, AICP

Director of Planning &Community Development

Town of Hudson,  MA

President, Mass. Association of Planning Directors

Tel: 978-562-2989 

Cell:  857-939-3427

Email: kjohnson at townofhudson.org

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