[Massplanners] Recent OSRD Projects

ruralplanningassociates at crocker.com ruralplanningassociates at crocker.com
Tue Mar 22 13:13:20 EDT 2022



Swallow Rise out here in Wendell comes to mind.  It was finally approved by Wendell Planning Board last year.  It’s not OSRD, rather an NRPZ (similar in some ways to OSRD but not based on underlying zoning, and more protective).  This project has over 100 acres, about 15 of which make up two development envelopes for a maximum of about 15 homes.  The rest - fields, forest, and water bodies - is protected and available for farming and forestry. I can provide more info to anyone interested.


Best regards,

Jeff Lacy

Rural Planning Associates

(413) 230-9693



From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> On Behalf Of Harry LaCortiglia via MassPlanners
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2022 6:54 AM
To: massplanners at masscptc.org
Subject: Re: [Massplanners] Recent OSRD Projects


Hi Chris,

Here's one that has just recently begun construction, after many delays. 

Go to :

 <https://www.georgetownma.gov/planning-board/pages/planning-board-projects-current> https://www.georgetownma.gov/planning-board/pages/planning-board-projects-current

And scroll down to 66 Parish Road for the related files.

A bit over 30 acres will remain natural. 

H. LaCortiglia
Georgetown P.B.


On 3/18/2022 10:18 AM, Christopher Ryan via MassPlanners wrote:

Happy Friday, 


Following up on our 2020 OSRD workshop just before the pandemic hit, I am interested in any recent Open Space Residential or Conservation Subdivisions approved and or started construction over the past two years. Anything happening out there?


I also welcome any MA OSRD projects over the years in your community or nearby, that you think are models for emulating?


Thanks and have a good weekend.




Christopher J. Ryan, AICP

Director of Community and Economic Development

Town of Harvard

13 Ayer Road

Harvard, MA  01451

Tel: 978.456.4100 x.323

Email: cryan at harvard-ma.gov <mailto:cryan at harvard-ma.gov> 

Web: http://www.harvard-ma.gov <http://www.harvard-ma.gov/> 


**Please note new email address and domain as of 9/1/21

email is now cryan at harvard-ma.gov <mailto:cryan at harvard-ma.gov> . Please change in your

contacts list.




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