[Massplanners] FBC in Massachusetts

Furtado, Jacqueline (SEA) jacqueline.furtado at state.ma.us
Wed Jun 1 16:22:43 EDT 2022

Hi Chris,

I had the same question when I was studying for the AICP exam last year. In addition to the municipalities you already listed, I found the following:

Southfield, Massachusetts
Adopted under a Special Act of the Legislature to guide redevelopment of the former South Weymouth Naval Air Station, the South Shore Tri-Town Development Corporation has adopted form-based codes (FBCs) to work in conjunction with its zoning and land-use bylaws to convert the base into a brand new $1 billion community of nearly 3,000 homes, 2 million square feet of commercial space, a golf course and other amenities, and open space.

Along with Lowell, Southfield is used as a case study on the mass.gov website found here: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/case-studies-form-based-codes


Jacqueline Furtado, AICP
Senior Program Manager, MassWorks Infrastructure Program
Executive Office of Housing & Economic Development
One Ashburton Place, Suite 2101 | Boston, MA 02108
O: (617) 788-3649 | C: (617) 894-7755 | Email: jacqueline.furtado at mass.gov<mailto:jacqueline.furtado at mass.gov>
Websites: mass.gov/hed<https://mass.gov/hed> | mass.gov/massworks

From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> On Behalf Of Christopher Ryan via MassPlanners
Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2022 2:53 PM
To: Massplanners Listserv (MassPlanners at masscptc.org) <MassPlanners at masscptc.org>
Subject: [Massplanners] FBC in Massachusetts

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Hi all

Does anyone have a list of Massachusetts cities and towns that have already passed a Form Based Code? If not and you know of any specific communities, that would be helpful too (Somerville, Lowell, Ayer, and Littleton are the ones I know of with decent certainty).



Christopher J. Ryan, AICP
Director of Community and Economic Development
Town of Harvard
13 Ayer Road
Harvard, MA  01451
Tel: 978.456.4100 x.323
Email: cryan at harvard-ma.gov<mailto:cryan at harvard-ma.gov>
Web: http://www.harvard-ma.gov<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.harvard-ma.gov/__;!!CUhgQOZqV7M!yZ0km3fOO7rqjmWuHb824EfbhKeGH3UdjKnvLYNrYcV7Z4utrveZrtIV6mA_RGlN1a0Qqd66cao$>

**Please note new email address and domain as of 9/1/21
email is now cryan at harvard-ma.gov<mailto:cryan at harvard-ma.gov>. Please change in your
contacts list.

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