[Massplanners] Job Posting - West Springfield Community Development Planner

Allyson Manuel amanuel at townofwestspringfield.org
Thu Jun 2 15:26:37 EDT 2022

Good afternoon,

West Springfield is seeking a full-time Community Development Planner that
will oversee our annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) award and
support planning and economic development initiatives in the city. This
position oversees and is supported by a full-time administrative assistant.
CDBG knowledge and experience is a plus, but not required if you are a
self-starter with an interest in grant management! There are lots of
exciting development opportunities and a chance to make real, tangible
changes in the community here.

You can find the full job description with details on how to apply here:

*Allyson Manuel, *Planning Director
Town of West Springfield | Planning Department
26 Central Street, West Springfield, MA 01089
Office: (413) 263-3271

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