[Massplanners] MBTA zoning question

Carolyn Britt cbritt at communityinvestment.net
Mon Feb 21 15:02:04 EST 2022


We are having a question relevant to the MBTA rezoning now. We have a 
proposal to put 13 units on a 3/4 acre lot abutting the MBTA ROW.  Since 
it is a relatively small lot, the developer is seeking a waiver of the 
back lot line set-back for 3 of the units to reduce the set-back from 
20' to 10'. This is our active commuter rail line with one track that is 
probably 20' from the edge of the ROW and thereby about 30' from the 
proposed new units.

Do any of you have thoughts, suggestions, or data on a reasonable/safe 
distance to develop new housing from an active rail line?

Thank you! I hope you are all outside on this beautiful day.

Carolyn Britt, AICP

Chair, Ipswich Planning Board

(978) 356-9881

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