[Massplanners] Reorganization - Rotating the Chairperson

Richard Harris rhplanner01075 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 20:21:21 EST 2022

When I worked for South Hadley, the Board had to vote to
"organize/reorganize" each year. It was common for the members to vote to
retain the existing chair. They developed and "adopted" a rotating system
but never followed it for more than two years.

The pros of a rotating chair: it provides an opportunity to cultivate more
leadership, encourage a more diverse perspective
The con of a rotating chair: when you get a good chair, you want to keep
them as long as possible. A poor chair can create a lot of problems.

Thank you

Richard Harris, AICP
Planning Consultant

On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 6:54 PM Matthew Benoit via MassPlanners <
massplanners at masscptc.org> wrote:

> ListServ,
> What are your thoughts on rotating the planning board chairperson annually
> at reorganization?  Pros vs. Cons?
> Matthew C. Benoit, Notary Public
> Director of Community Development
> Town of Douglas
> 29 Depot Street
> Douglas, MA 01516
> 508-476-4000  x206
> www.douglas-ma.gov
> --
> MassPlanners mailing list
> MassPlanners at masscptc.org
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