[Massplanners] Other Communities Dead-End Limit for new sub'n roads + waiver criteria

Gary Bechtholdt gbechtholdt at northbridgemass.org
Fri Sep 6 09:45:52 EDT 2024


How goes...

Believes our regulations in Northbridge may be somewhat similar -reads "maximum length of 500-feet unless the water system is looped or, in the opinion of the Planning Board a greater length is necessitated by topography or local conditions"

Would suggest Waivers not be sought/granted to increase total number of lots....waivers may be considered if there is a public benefit and only after providing information showing provision can be met (without waiver); waivers are not intended to grant relief for something that otherwise could not be satisfied.

Perhaps a waiver may be considered if road is extended to minimize wetland impact, avoid a large ledge outcrop, eliminate a second roadway or some other site encumbrance -but not applied to simply add additional lots.

My 2-cents.

Take care,


R. Gary Bechtholdt II, Director
Northbridge Community Planning & Development
1679 Providence Road Northbridge, MA 01534
(508) 234-2447

Mailing Address:
Northbridge Memorial Town Hall
7 Main Street
Whitinsville, MA 01588

Our new address is: 1679 PROVIDENCE ROAD NORTHBRIDGE, MA  01534
Building, Conservation, Health Department, Planning, & Zoning Board now located in separate wing of new Fire Station.
Those visiting municipal offices shall proceed up driveway (stay to far left) parking available front/side of building.

From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> On Behalf Of Eric Smith via MassPlanners
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2024 12:22 PM
To: John Charbonneau via MassPlanners <massplanners at masscptc.org>
Subject: [Massplanners] Other Communities Dead-End Limit for new sub'n roads + waiver criteria

Hello MassPlanners,

As the Athol Planning Board reviews the second Definitive Plan application since the Great Recession, a lot of consternation has developed based on the 500-foot dead end limit and the existing waiver provision language, which provides us the waiver criteria of owing "due to unusual topography or other conditions."   The issues were not raised by anyone during our first Definitive Plan review a few years ago.

I know the Athol Planning Board's Subdivision Rules and Regulations are overdue for a make-over and I would like us to revisit the current dead-end limit and waiver criteria as part of are eventual amendments.

At this time, I am wondering if those of you who have Subdivision Rules and Regulations could share your current maximum new subdivision dead-end road limit and any waiver criteria that allows for a longer roadway.

Look forward to your responses!

Thank you, Eric

Eric R. Smith, AICP

Director of Planning and Development

Town of Athol

584 Main Street,

Athol, MA 01331

(978) 721-8500 ext. 517
esmith at townofathol.org<mailto:esmith at townofathol.org>

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