[Massplanners] Minutes Taker Comps

Ryan, Christopher cryan at belmont-ma.gov
Wed Nov 20 09:45:45 EST 2024

Hey all

Does any community have a part-time hourly position specifically and exclusively for a minutes taker for Planning Board or ZBA meetings? If so, can you share with us the hourly rate you pay and what best practices or training do you provide.

Thanks in advance.

BTW we passed 3A last night 213-8 so a huge relief!



Christopher J. Ryan, AICP
Director of Planning & Building
Town of Belmont
19 Moore Street
Belmont, MA 02478-0900
Tel: 617.993.2658
Email: cryan at belmont-ma.gov<mailto:cryan at belmont-ma.gov>
Web: https://www.belmont-ma.gov/office-of-planning-building

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