[Massplanners] [EXTERNAL] Regulation of Dumpster Screening

Michael McCarthy Michael.McCarthy at newbedford-ma.gov
Wed May 8 08:20:24 EDT 2024

Hi Eric,

We have the following section in New Bedford's general ordinance:
Owners of properties that do not receive solid waste or recyclable collection by the city shall ensure that all waste materials awaiting collection by a private or commercial hauler shall be placed in receptacles which shall contain only material generated by owners and occupants of the private property where they are located and shall be flytight, rodent resistant, nonflammable and waterproof, and shall be so constructed as to prevent the escape of litter onto public or private property. All such receptacles shall be kept on provide property at all times and not on public streets or sidewalks. All such receptacles in residentially zoned areas or within thirty (30) feet of such an area shall be screened from view.

The Planning Board checks for screening during site plan review. Typically, they request a 6' solid wooden fence but in different contexts they've been amenable to vinyl or chain link with slats. Our screening section in the zoning ordinance is as follows:

3331. A screen may consist of plant materials, at least three (3) feet in height at the time of planting which will provide a compact dense form year-round and will reach a height at maturity of at least six (6) feet or a masonry wall or wooden fence designed in an attractive manner to visually obscure.

3332. A screen shall occupy a strip of land at least five (5) feet in width along a property line or along the perimeter of a storage area. Where a screen consists of a masonry wall, wooden fence or a vinyl fence produced to resemble a classical wooden fence, the remainder of the required five-foot strip shall be landscaped with trees and shrubs. Lawn or bark mulch may be used as ground cover in conjunction with such trees and shrubs. The schedule and amount of plantings will be determined subject to the schedule found in Appendix B and shall be reviewed during the site plan review process described in Section 5400 of this Code.

3333. A screen other than of plant materials, shall be at least six (6) feet in height above the ground elevation. Where a screen is required to visually obscure a storage area, the height of such screen shall not be less than six (6) feet and shall be equal to the height of materials stored above six (6) feet, but in no instance shall the materials to be screened be in excess of ten (10) feet in height.

3334. Except for on-premises directional signs not in excess of six (6) square feet in area, no sign shall be attached to or suspended from a screen

Mike McCarthy
Asst. City Planner
City of New Bedford

From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> On Behalf Of Eric Smith via MassPlanners
Sent: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 3:27 PM
To: Mass Planners <massplanners at masscptc.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Massplanners] Regulation of Dumpster Screening

Hello Mass Planners,

A Planning Board member of ours was inquiring about requiring screening around two dumpsters at a particular group home property.   This group home was recently renovated (had been a general boarding house) and didn't trigger a Site Plan Review application before our Planning Board, as that's reserved for new construction.  Plus, the use is an exempted use under MGL Ch. 40A, Sect. 3, thus didn't trigger a Special Permit for multi-family housing units.

We do have screening requirements as part of our site plan review for new construction.  I spoke with our Building Inspector/Zoning Enforcement Officer, and after reviewing our existing zoning bylaws, there's nothing currently in the general zoning provisions that require dumpster screening, outside site plan review.

Thus, I wanted to see if there's any Massachusetts' communities have any general standards either in their zoning or general bylaws that require all dumpsters to be screened.

I look forward in hearing about any such examples we can look into for Athol.

Thank you, Eric

Eric R. Smith, AICP

Director of Planning and Development

Town of Athol

584 Main Street,

Athol, MA 01331

(978) 721-8500 ext. 517
esmith at townofathol.org<mailto:esmith at townofathol.org>

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