[Massplanners] Standard Contracts for Professional Services (Non-construction)

Erin Schaeffer eschaeffer at beverlyma.gov
Wed Mar 20 09:33:56 EDT 2024

Hello Planners,

I am actively looking for example "Standard contracts" that are
specifically for contracting with professional service providers
(professional planning service providers, landscape designers, technical
service- sustainability services, artists). Some communities have one
standard contract including ours. We have now heard from consultants that
the on size fits all approach to contracting services is an active
deterrent from professionals responding to our non-construction
related RFP's. We are actively trying to propose something that is
reasonable to our solicitor and procurement office for consideration.

Thanks for your help!

Erin Schaeffer

*City of Beverly*

*Economic Development Planner*


*eschaeffer at beverlyma.gov <dwynne at beverlyma.gov>*


*When responding, please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State
has determined that most email is public record and therefore cannot be
kept confidential. *
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