[Massplanners] FW: Guidebook to Massachusetts Land Use

ruralplanningassociates at crocker.com ruralplanningassociates at crocker.com
Mon Jun 24 10:10:25 EDT 2024


Planners and list members:


Some have asked how to access the Guidebook to Massachusetts Land Use. Here
is the answer I received from APA-MA: "It's my understanding that you have
to be an APA member in order to access the guidebook, and you use your APA
member number to login." After you join APA-MA, you go to their website,
click under Resources, and the Guidebook will appear at the top of the list.
Click it, then enter your APA-MA membership number to gain access.


I think you can join just APA-MA without necessarily joining APA National -
considerably less cost.


One of the best features of the Guidebook are the hyperlinks that will take
one directly to MA court cases and other outside resources. Every planner
should have this!!!


Best regards,


Jeff Lacy

Rural Planning Associates

896 Graves Road

Conway, MA 01341

(413) 230-9693





From: ruralplanningassociates at crocker.com
<mailto:ruralplanningassociates at crocker.com>
<ruralplanningassociates at crocker.com
<mailto:ruralplanningassociates at crocker.com> > 
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2024 11:46 AM
To: 'Mass Planners' <massplanners at masscptc.org
<mailto:massplanners at masscptc.org> >
Subject: Guidebook to Massachusetts Land Use


Once again, despite a library of MA planning and zoning manuals, I have
found the answers I need to several MA zoning law and statutory questions in
the Guidebook to Massachusetts Land Use. This invaluable resource was
written by Bob Michell, FAICP and Bob Ritchie, Esq. and published by the MA
Chapter of APA. I believe it's the most current and germane reference a
planner, professional or volunteer, can avail themselves of. It's accessible
on-line to APA-MA members.


Jeff Lacy

Rural Planning Associates

896 Graves Road

Conway, MA 01341

(413) 230-9693


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