[Massplanners] Mandatory Mixed Use - 3A Zoning Question

Ryan, Christopher cryan at belmont-ma.gov
Tue Jul 16 10:54:58 EDT 2024

Good morning planners

I am having a lot of trouble finding resources to verify an assumption that mixed use buildings are generally not viable at 3 stories and require at least 3 stories of residential in addition to the ground floor commercial to be feasible to develop in the current market. We've been counseled on this by several consultants but have not been able to find any journal articles, newspaper pieces, memos, white papers, or anything else that definitively provides evidence for this.

Since we are seeking to establish a mandatory mixed use zoning subdistrict in Belmont, we'd like to be able to provide information to our citizens who are skeptical about this assumption and would rather we limit MMU to 3 stories total. Does anyone have information which could help us with our outreach for this provision?

Thanks in advance,

Chris R.

Christopher J. Ryan, AICP, Ph.D.
Director of Planning & Building
Town of Belmont
19 Moore Street
Belmont, MA 02478-0900
Tel: 617.993.2658
Email: cryan at belmont-ma.gov<mailto:cryan at belmont-ma.gov>
Web: https://www.belmont-ma.gov/office-of-planning-building

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