[Massplanners] Land Use Planning Grants - Deadline Extension

Gaertner, Kurt (EEA) kurt.gaertner at mass.gov
Tue Jul 2 09:36:46 EDT 2024

Fellow Planners:

I write to let you know that to allow more time for applications to be completed the deadline for land use planning grant proposals has been extended to July 22nd.  The revised RFR is presently available on the Commonwealth's COMMBUYS webpage here<https://www.commbuys.com/bso/external/bidDetail.sdo?docId=BD-25-1042-ENV-ENV01-103809&external=true&parentUrl=close> and will shortly be available on the webpage of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs at Planning Assistance Grants | Mass.gov<https://www.mass.gov/info-details/planning-assistance-grants?_gl=1*8zydn3*_ga*MTgxMDA1MzcxNi4xNzE0MDU4NTE5*_ga_MCLPEGW7WM*MTcxOTkyNzEzNy4zNy4wLjE3MTk5MjcxMzcuMC4wLjA.>.   The only change is to the due date.


Kurt Gaertner, Asst. Secretary for Environmental Policy
Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs
100 Cambridge St, 9th Floor
Boston, MA 02114

Phone: 857-338-5935

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