[Massplanners] RFP for Zoning Amendment Consultant

Anne Capra acapra at southhadleyma.gov
Mon Jan 29 10:02:26 EST 2024

Dear Planners,

The Town of South Hadley seeks proposals from qualified individuals or
firms to assist the Town in the development of three new zoning districts
inclusive of design guidelines for the Route 202/33 corridor. This work is
the intended implementation of recommendations from the Route 202/33
Corridor Plan completed in January 2022. The goals of these zoning changes
are to provide safe connections for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers;
encourage a variety of housing types and job opportunities; and, preserve
valuable open space and recreational resources while clustering appropriate
development along existing infrastructure consistent with sustainable
growth patterns. The RFP is available online
<https://southhadley.org/Bids.aspx>: https://southhadley.org/Bids.aspx
are due *Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 3:00 PM.*

Anne Capra, AICP
Director, Planning & Conservation
Town of South Hadley
116 Main Street | South Hadley, MA 01075
(413) 538-5030 x6128
acapra at southhadleyma.gov

*Learn more about South Hadley's community plans HERE

*Do not print this email unless necessary
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