[Massplanners] Online Permitting for Planning/Zoning Applications

Alexandra Lowder ALowder at tewksbury-ma.gov
Mon Feb 5 13:12:33 EST 2024

Hi all,

I am looking for feedback regarding online ZBA applications for variances and special permits.

Given that MGL Ch. 40A Section 9 requires applications to be filed with the Town Clerk, that has always been interpreted that they stamp a hard copy and keep it in their files. With online permitting, we are exploring having the clerk's office utilize an electronic stamp in a pdf viewer and maintain that as the "filed" copy, and likewise for final decisions. We have encountered some communities that are still taking hard copy applications amidst implementation of online permitting to satisfy their clerks. However, I question whether there are any legal hangups for moving entirely online and that it may be a matter of preference.

Has anyone implemented an entirely online process wherein the clerk's office also accepts and maintains the filing electronically?

Appreciate the help.


Alexandra Lowder
Community/Economic Development Planner
Town of Tewksbury
1009 Main Street
Tewksbury, MA 01876
Office Phone:  (978) 640-4370 Ext. 248

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