[Massplanners] EV conversions in existing parking lots

Valerie Massard VMassard at kingstonma.gov
Tue Aug 27 10:05:53 EDT 2024

Good morning all - I hope this finds you in good health & good spirits.

We are seeing more frequent requests for converting existing parking spaces, in existing commercial lots, to EV charge-capable spaces, we think based on incentives or franchise requirements.  Due to ADA compliance, this can sometimes impact a lot to lose one space, which overall has no negative impact on the parking capacity requirements of the site, and so far we have asked that they find another parking space if there is room and re-stripe, without a the additional process of a formal site plan review.

We have one larger local commercial site where one tenant (of several) that is "informally" leasing spaces to commuters, is looking to convert those spaces to EV, to which we've said we'd require an evaluation of parking and an overall site plan review of the plaza as a whole (there is more reasoning behind this) - mainly because it could, we believe, impact the overall available parking given the current amount of time it takes to charge an EV.

Has anyone else looked at setting targets or processes for evaluating the impacts of EV conversions?   We may continue to go case-by-case based on anticipated parking space impacts, if any, but  I'd be interested in hearing what your thoughts are on this.


Valerie Massard, AICP, CFM (she/her)
Town Planner, Kingston, MA
Town Offices|26 Evergreen St.|Kingston, MA 02364
office 781-585-0549
cell 781-588-7590
vmassard at kingstonma.gov<mailto:vmassard at kingstonma.gov>

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