[Massplanners] Zoning and housing units on Church Properties

Town Planner townplanner at wnewbury.org
Tue Apr 9 09:59:38 EDT 2024

Good morning All,

Applauding all who are working on solutions to our housing crisis!

Do we know (is there case law or local legal opinions) whether housing (temporary or permanent) is a Dover protected use if on Church/Synagogue  property?   With many religious institutions stepping up to house those in need, the question comes up regarding the level of permitting or oversight that Zoning allows.   Appreciative of any feedback, experiences etc.


Sue Brown, RLA
Town Planner
West Newbury
townplanner at wnewbury.org<mailto:townplanner at wnewbury.org>
(978) 363-1100 x125

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