[Massplanners] Non-resident members

robert leavens rtleavemware at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 13:21:57 EDT 2024

I live in Maine and the law is similar to Mass. I find it interesting and
somewhat odd that a resident from a neighboring town can make planning
judgements in my town.

Betsy Ware
Planning Consultant

On Wed, Apr 3, 2024, 12:18 PM ruralplanningassociates--- via MassPlanners <
massplanners at masscptc.org> wrote:

> Colleagues:
> c.41, §109 *Resignation; notice; residence requirements,* says:
> No resignation of a town or district officer shall be deemed effective
> unless and until such resignation is filed with the town or district clerk
> or such later time certain as may be specified in such resignation. Upon
> receipt of a resignation the clerk shall notify the remaining members, if
> the resignation is received from a board of two or more members, and he
> shall further notify the executive officers of the town or district and
> such notification shall include the effective date of the resignation. *Unless
> otherwise provided by general or special law, ordinance or by-law, a person
> need not, in order to accept appointment to a public office in a town or
> district, be a resident of such town or district*; provided, however,
> that if an appointed town or district officer is required to become a
> resident within a period of time specified at the time of his appointment
> by the board or officer making the appointment but fails to do so within
> the time specified, or if an elected or appointed town or district officer
> removes from the town or district in which he holds his office, he shall be
> deemed to have vacated his office.
> Curious about examples out there where non-residents have been appointed
> to local boards, whether as regular members or associates? I, for one,
> continue to serve as an appointed associate member on the appointed zoning
> board of appeals in the town I moved from last year. I also now serve as an
> elected planning board member in my new town.
> Best regards,
> Jeff Lacy
> Rural Planning Associates
> 896 Graves Road
> Conway, MA 01341
> (413) 230-9693
> --
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