[Massplanners] Affordable Housing Trusts

Harry LaCortiglia hlacortiglia at comcast.net
Wed Sep 27 09:51:25 EDT 2023

Hi Michael,

In Georgetown, Housing Trust appropriations are Recommended by the 
Community Preservation Committee on an annual basis based upon requests 
coming from the Trust.

The amount varies from year to year. At Town Meeting all of the CPC 
Recommended Appropriations are voted upon in a CPC Consent Calendar.

If any appropriations are called out of the consent calendar then the 
CPC explains the reasoning from the floor.

Unless there is an additional appropriation coming from the Town's 
general fund, there should be no general funds "transfers" at all, as 
CPA funds, the Affordable Housing Trust's funds, and general funds, 
legally cannot be co-mingled.

H. LaCortiglia
Georgetown CPC

On 9/26/2023 6:28 PM, Michael Antonellis via MassPlanners wrote:
> Hi All,
> Wondering if your CPA Communities have automatic transfers into your 
> Affordable Housing trusts as a part of a consent agenda at Town 
> Meeting, or as a generally reoccurring warrant article for a general 
> funds transfer. If so, do you have a prepared argument to justify 
> before Town Meeting?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best,
> Michael Antonellis
> Town Planner
> Director of Land Use & Inspectional Services
> Town of Upton, MA
> (508)603-0219
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