[Massplanners] Dynamic Master Plan

Katrina O'leary katrina.oleary at middletonma.gov
Fri Sep 22 09:40:18 EDT 2023

Do any communities update their Master Plan more regularly than every 10 -20 years?  My Master Plan committee chair is wonderful - and creative.  He proposed updating new chapters of the Master Plan every couple of years so it is always "current."  I see many problems with this, mostly due to the fact that the citizen engagement for each of these regular updates wouldn't be as robust as a Master Plan update done every decade or more.   There would also be a lack of the overall "vision" that is so important to focus on while updating your plan.

I told him I'd post the question on the listserv to see if any communities had experience with more dynamic Master Plans.

Do any communities update their Master Plan piece by piece on a regular basis?  Has it worked for you?

Katrina O'Leary, AICP
Middleton Town Planner
195 North Main Street     Middleton, MA   01949     PH: (978)777-8917
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