[Massplanners] Applicant Amendments to Planning Board Applications/Permits

Corrin Meise-Munns cmeisemunns at longmeadow.org
Wed May 24 16:10:32 EDT 2023


I have a couple of questions regarding applicant amendments to previously
granted permit applications (or those still in process):

   - Do your municipal codes or PB rules and regulations define the term
   "amendment", specifically how substantial an amendment may be before it
   requires a new application/full review entirely?
   - Do your Planning Depts / Planning Boards charge a fee for amendments,
   separate from the original application fee? We have delineated fees for
   waivers and the applications themselves, and while our regulations do
   account for the submission of amendments, there is no fee associated.

For context, I am especially interested in regards to Site Design Review,
and also generally interested if the answer varies for type of
application/permit sought.


*Corrin Meise-Munns* *(she/her)*
Assistant Town Manager / Director of Planning & Community Development
Town of Longmeadow, MA
(413) 565-4110
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