[Massplanners] FW: Job Posting - City of Salem, MA

Tim Czerwienski tczerwienski at townofmilton.org
Wed May 24 09:55:00 EDT 2023

Good morning, planners. See below for an opportunity in the City of Salem

Tim Czerwienski, AICP
Director of Planning & Community Development
Town of Milton | 525 Canton Avenue | Milton, Mass. 02186 | 617-898-4847

From: Jane Guy <JGuy at Salem.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 9:22 AM
To: Mass Planners <MassPlanners at masscptc.org>
Subject: Job Posting - City of Salem, MA

The City of Salem seeks qualified and highly motivated planner to join 14-person planning and community development department. Duties include providing technical assistance to Planning Board; preparing grant applications; managing projects; undertaking strategic planning initiatives; and working with residents and neighborhood groups. Ideal candidate has strong written and verbal communication skills; experience in land use and zoning; computer and interpersonal skills, and ability to interpret development plans. Two or more years' professional work experience and master's degree in planning or related discipline preferred. Detailed job description at https://www.salemma.gov/human-resources/pages/employment-opportunities<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.salemma.gov_human-2Dresources_pages_employment-2Dopportunities&d=DwMF-g&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=EaWBFhlgouCM-eqEWgXO8um7Dw-706JXLWQdmGem7AY&m=SBMtTfuZfDgDRR8Ye3bs4SsXBjMI3gp-Bn51A3mafVo&s=s05971QxROapNveZtZkrXxL4uqZNtOu63GszJUX9Zco&e=>. An outstanding opportunity to develop your expertise in a dynamic community. Submit cover letter and resume to: jobs at salem.com<mailto:jobs at salem.com>. Deadline to apply is 4:00 PM, June 7, 2023. AAEOE

Jane A. Guy

Assistant Community Development Director

City of Salem

Department of Planning & Community Development

98 Washington St., 2nd Floor

Salem, MA  01970


We no longer have a fax number.

jguy at salem.com<mailto:jguy at salem.com>


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