[Massplanners] Interim Planning Position Available, Town of Dover

Laura Harbottle lharbottle at doverma.gov
Thu May 11 18:29:13 EDT 2023

Good evening Massplanners,
The Town of Dover is seeking to hire an Interim Town Planner beginning June
1 - June 15 or thereafter, and continuing for an estimated four to six
months. This is a part-time position for 10 - 20 hours a week that can be
filled by an individual, a small firm or a larger firm. The Planning Board
is dynamic, with multiple projects slated for the next one to two years.
These include Natural Resource Protection Zoning, a Tree Preservation Bylaw
and zoning to guide redevelopment of a small Village Center. There is an
active Open Space Committee and Tree Preservation Committee. Work on the
Village Center zoning is well underway. Town Meeting just last week adopted
a bylaw allowing attached ADU's by right and detached, by Special Permit,
along with an update to the Floodplain Zoning District. Board members
invested a great deal of time and energy promoting these bylaws before the
vote and worked very closely with staff.

If this is the kind of position that would appeal to you, please send a
letter of interest and resume to Rick Reed, Interim Assistant Town
Administrator & HR Director, 5 Springdale Avenue, Dover, MA  02030.

Laura Harbottle AICP
Interim Town Planner
5 Springdale Avenue
Dover, MA  02030
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