[Massplanners] PB - drafting conditions

Belansky, Evan ebelansky at chelmsfordma.gov
Thu May 11 09:31:41 EDT 2023

The context of the below is applicable to a large and complex and controversial project, with significant abutter / neighborhood engagement,  that would require customized conditions related to such items as hours of operation, hours of deliveries, traffic monitoring, etc

When and how does your PB draft conditions for a decision?
Specifically, when….it is during the public hearing or after the close of the public hearing.
Specifically, how……if during the hearing are the potential proposed conditions simply being itemized as a list or are the conditions being word smithed / drafted for specificity?
                                                If after the hearing is closed….is staff or Board drafting the initial conditions for review?

The above questions speak to what extent does the public have an opportunity to review and provide comment on the proposed conditions?

What process does the PB use to develop / craft conditions?

And why has the PB chosen this process?


Evan Belansky
Chelmsford Community Development Director

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