[Massplanners] MS4 permits and Reaching developers

CJ Lammers lammers at csld.edu
Wed May 3 09:04:53 EDT 2023

Hi Patty!

How are you? Did you see that we did an OSRP for Chesterfield? Interesting.

I hope it's okay I took the survey - I want to stay connected to
this effort and saw that "nonprofit" was one of the identifiers. Our county
in MD had an extensive MS4 permit so I'm familiar with how to meet the

We've done several guidebooks for Green Streets and the like in the past.
Please let me know if there's a role for a Conway project, perhaps in the
winter term, where a team could do a guidebook of best practices and
demonstration sites. As always there would be two community engagement
sessions (or equivalent) as part of the project.

thanks for considering a role for us,

On Tue, May 2, 2023 at 5:22 PM Gambarini, Patty via MassPlanners <
massplanners at masscptc.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> We are trying to reach those who are considered part of the development
> community here in MA.  If you have developers you know and work with in
> your community, please consider forwarding the following message:
> With 3 minutes of your time, you can help give shape to a series of 4
> virtual trainings that will advance understanding and know-how on *new
> stormwater standards for development projects in Massachusetts*.
> Please click on link below to join in:
> * MA Stormwater Developer Outreach Project Survey
> <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZF866BC>*
> This work is funded through a MassDEP MS4 Assistance Grant project.  Project
> partners include the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, Neponset River
> Watershed Association, Center for Watershed Protection, and a state-wide
> advisory group.
> *Note that the survey will close  Monday, May 8. *
> Thank you,
> Patty Gambarini
> *Chief Environmental Planner*
> *Pioneer Valley Planning Commission*
> --
> MassPlanners mailing list
> MassPlanners at masscptc.org
> http://masscptc.org/mailman/listinfo/massplanners_masscptc.org


*CJ Lammers, *Projects Manager

The Conway School

Graduate Program in Sustainable Landscape Planning + Design
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*Stay up-to-date on all of our 50th anniversary events!

cell: *413-270-2372   *office: 413-369-4044

*she/her pronouns*
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