[Massplanners] Experience with P3s

Benson, Rachel RBenson at wrentham.gov
Wed Mar 29 13:27:45 EDT 2023

Hi Fellow Planners!
Would someone be willing to share their experiences with P3s (public/private partnerships) where the private developer constructed a building that the Town leases/owns as part of a larger mixed-use development? What should we consider/look out for now while this is still only sketches on a napkin?

Thank you, and have a great day!

Rachel Benson
Director of Planning & Economic Development
Planning & Community Development
Town of Wrentham
79 South Street
Wrentham, MA  02093
508-384-5400 x5441
EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022 Town Hall hours: Mon, Wed, Thur: 8a-4:30p, Tues: 8a-7:30p, Fri: Closed

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