[Massplanners] Childcare at Public Meetings

Anne Capra acapra at southhadleyma.gov
Thu Jul 27 11:43:31 EDT 2023

Dear Planners,
Wondering if any of you municipal planners have been able to offer
childcare at a community meeting that was hosted by the municipality?
Typically we have only been able to do this if partnered with a group that
offers something like that already such as a neighborhood organization.
Wondering about liability issues etc. if the municipality is the meeting
host and how we could provide someone to watch the children of attendees
for two hours. Childcare is often cited as a strategy for broadening
participation in community events but I haven't seen any municipalities
offer this due to these complicating factors.

Anne Capra, AICP
Director, Planning & Conservation
Town of South Hadley
116 Main Street | South Hadley, MA 01075
(413) 538-5017 x6128
acapra at southhadleyma.gov

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