[Massplanners] Peer Review Authorization

Angela Cleveland clevelanda at amesburyma.gov
Wed Jan 25 13:36:41 EST 2023

Hello Planners!

Question for you all - I am reading 53G: Employment of Outside Consultants, and wanted to get your opinion on how to interpret when it is legal for a regulatory board (PB or ConComm) to authorize/assign Peer Review for a project. We are asking our municipal attorney this as well, but have any of you had applicants ask for Peer Review before an official application has been submitted to your municipal permit or license granting boards?


Community & Economic Development
T (978) 388-8110
C (603) 305-5385

Municipal Development Center
39 South Hunt Road | Amesbury, MA 01913

[cid:image001.png at 01D930C0.5B822450]

Notice: Please be aware the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most emails to and from the City of Amesbury are public records and therefore cannot be kept confidential.
MGL: Chpt.66, Sec.10 Public Records Law.<https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleX/Chapter66/Section10/>
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