[Massplanners] Job Posting: Whately Community Development Administrator/ Assistant Town Administrator

Judy Markland jmarkland at lmstrategies.com
Wed Jan 18 13:13:38 EST 2023

*Town of Whately – Community Development Administrator/Assistant Town 
Administrator Needed*


The Town of Whately is accepting applications for the position of 
Community Development Administrator/Assistant Town Administrator. The 
selected candidate will be responsible for the development, submission, 
and administration of grant applications, managing community development 
and planning projects, providing technical assistance to the Planning 
Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals and providing administrative 
support to the Town Administrator as needed. The position is full-time 
(40 hrs/week) and fully benefitted. The typical work week is Monday to 
Thursday in office with Friday working remotely. Starting salary is 
$51,099. Please see the Town’s webpage for more information. 

Judy Markland, Whately Planning Board

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