[Massplanners] Remote Meeting Participation

Harry LaCortiglia hlacortiglia at comcast.net
Wed Jan 18 09:52:37 EST 2023

Curious myself, Dan.

I'm wondering if hybid meetings in person under the old rules (which we 
will revert to) allow for the public to join via video.

I was under the impression that the old OML only allowed for 
participation solely by Board members who were sick or out of town.

I don't believe the Public was envisioned, or provided for, as Remotely 

Thoughts anyone?

H. LaCortiglia
Georgetown P.B.

On 1/17/2023 10:19 AM, Daniel Fortier via MassPlanners wrote:
> Any word? Is the Legislature going to further extend the remote 
> meeting participation beyond late March? This has been a tremendous 
> benefit here on the Cape with Board members who go south for a month 
> or two at a time (more that would be allowed under the pre-existing 
> remote participation policy)
> Dan Fortier
> Interim Dennis Town Planner
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for 
> Windows
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