[Massplanners] Requesting reference: public notice of zoning, bylaw change

Douglas Finn dfinn at edgartown-ma.us
Tue Aug 15 12:56:43 EDT 2023

Good afternoon mass planners,

I’m hoping someone can provide me the quick and simple reference for the
following, and bear with me, as my explanation is far more wordy than it
deserves to be…

As I understand it, a special permit application, even if acted upon
favorably by the special permit granting authority, may not be completely
binding upon both parties, if the special permit application was submitted
after the first publication of the notice of a public hearing related to a
Zoning by law change, where that by law change, would directly impact the
nature of relief requested by that special permit.

Am I correct on this?

Where is this is stated?

And, thank you in advance…

- Doug
  Edgartown, MA


- Doug.

Douglas Finn
Assistant Pro Tem
Edgartown Planning Board
dfinn at edgartown-ma.us
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