[Massplanners] Percentage of Non Residential in Mixed Use Districts

Sarah Raposa mansfieldplanner at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 14:09:04 EDT 2023

Hi all - I am working with the Mansfield Planning Board on an update to
their existing multi-family zoning bylaw. They currently have 15 units/acre
by-right and then are proposing to up that to 30 units/acre by-right and up
to 60 units/acre with a mixed use component and other incentives.

For a number of qualitative reasons, the PB thinks that 25% of the ground
floor area should be non-residential. Feedback from a couple landowners say
that is too high. In lieu of a bona fide market analysis, I thought I'd
poll my peers...

If you have a mixed use district, what are your non-residential

Many thanks,

*Sarah L. Raposa, AICP*

Director of Planning & Development

Mansfield, MA

sraposa at mansfieldma.com | 508.851.6457
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