[Massplanners] Unaccepted Streets

Molly Belanger mbelanger at lexingtonma.gov
Thu Apr 20 09:12:29 EDT 2023

Hi Everyone,

Lexington wants to know how other Massachusetts towns and cities deal with unaccepted streets. We currently have a handful of unaccepted streets that were created before our subdivision regulations and aren't considered public or private roads. We have regulations that require property owners to update the road if needed, at the time of a building permit. This is an attempt to ensure all roads are maintained to some level for emergency access and plowing. We're wondering if other towns require something similar, or if you don't require anything at all, of the property owners on unaccepted streets and how you deal with their upkeep.

Thank you in advance,

Molly Belanger
Planner, LUHD
Town of Lexington
1625 Massachusetts Avenue
Lexington, Massachusetts
Direct: 781-698-4564


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