[Massplanners] Master/Comprehensive Plan Committees

Barbara Carboni bcarboni at truro-ma.gov
Thu Apr 13 11:01:32 EDT 2023

Hi Kathy
Truro has no Charter requirements.
Local Comprehensive Plan Committee consists of a Planning Board representative, a Select Board representative, and 5 other members appointed by the Select Board.  Planning Department is not exactly charged with production of the Plan, but I am pretty involved (e.g., wrote the RFP for consultant and managed that process) and am considered the project manager.
Happy to discuss.

Barbara Carboni  AICP
Truro Town Planner and Land Use Counsel
(508) 214 0928

From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> On Behalf Of Kathy Sferra via MassPlanners
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2023 10:03 AM
To: Mass Planners <massplanners at masscptc.org>
Subject: [Massplanners] Master/Comprehensive Plan Committees

On behalf of our Charter Review Committee, I've been asked to inquire about local Master/Comprehensive Plan Committee requirements in other communities.  Specifically:

1) Is your Planning Board/Department charged with preparation of your community's master/comprehensive plan?
2) Is there a separate committee appointed to oversee development of the plan?  If so, who appoints them and how is the composition of the committee determined?
3) Does your Town/City Charter (if you have one) have any specific master plan provisions?

Thank you,

Stow Conservation Director (and Charter Review Committee member)

Kathy Sferra

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