[Massplanners] Planning Podcasts

Thomas Bott tbott.townplanner at verizon.net
Wed Sep 7 17:48:11 EDT 2022

Dear Planners:Happy summer (until 9/23/22). I have likely posted before about entering into the Autumn of my career, but its still summah (see preceding sentence), and have likely made previous references to the use of a slide rule so forgive me. I was recently asked about planning podcasts that I listen to and confess that while I do keep up with my continuing ed  I don't really have any sources for quality planner type podcasts. I would appreciate any suggestions you might have to help me shake some rust off my Iron Age CV.Thanks much,TBott
Thomas Bott  Carver Town Planner
You too could follow me on Twitter @TBottPlimoth but it clearly isn’t necessary
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