[Massplanners] RFP for Comprehensive Plan Update, Town of Yarmouth, Maine
Erin Zwirko
EZwirko at yarmouth.me.us
Wed Sep 7 09:28:33 EDT 2022
The Town of Yarmouth seeks proposals from qualified and experienced firms to prepare an updated Comprehensive Plan.<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__yarmouthrebuild.govoffice.com_index.asp-3FSEC-3DB3E665C1-2D5DCD-2D4932-2DAD06-2D5B28C718F14B-26DE-3D9641DFDB-2D33C1-2D4EBE-2D88CC-2D6EE2D00FFED3-26Type-3DB-5FJOB&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=vPOq-E2Y8S_7ByNBvs6kCHYZ9ng8KvCgDBIolgFjK0M&m=bNIWTcyfYixkr0R4EI3wJEi7IKwS7DDuCHGNcQutWAs&s=muCxALfSxLRIkRkYuzsaXrl8UCDSurqZ73h8l5ZwfBg&e=> The selected consultant must be an expert in planning, specifically in long-range planning, research, project management, and public engagement. The consultant will be working with Town Staff, a Steering Committee, the Planning Board, and the Town Council, and with other boards and committees as appropriate. The Town's current Comprehensive Plan was completed in 2010 and is currently consistent with the State's Growth Management Act.
The Request for Proposals (RFP) may be obtained at yarmouth.me.us/jobs<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__yarmouthrebuild.govoffice.com_jobs-3F-26pri-3D0&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=vPOq-E2Y8S_7ByNBvs6kCHYZ9ng8KvCgDBIolgFjK0M&m=bNIWTcyfYixkr0R4EI3wJEi7IKwS7DDuCHGNcQutWAs&s=gy79AlkYtmGlP13fWbHNSzxdolQpdIogWAYP19bxHvA&e=>. Please direct questions about the RFP to Erin Zwirko, Director of Planning and Development, at 207-846-2401 or ezwirko at yarmouth.me.us<mailto:ezwirko at yarmouth.me.us>. The deadline for questions is 12:00 PM on Friday, September 23, 2022. Town staff will host an optional virtual information meeting at 2:00 PM on Wednesday, September 21, 2022. To join the virtual information meeting held on Go To Meeting, please request the credentials from Erin Zwirko at ezwirko at yarmouth.me.us<mailto:ezwirko at yarmouth.me.us>.
Interested parties may submit sealed proposals that meet the format specified in the RFP until 12:00 PM on Friday, October 7, 2022 at the Department of Planning and Development, Yarmouth Town Hall, 200 Main Street, Yarmouth, ME, 04096. Incomplete or late proposals will disqualify a consultant from consideration.
Erin Zwirko, AICP, LEED AP
Director of Planning & Development
Town of Yarmouth
200 Main Street
Yarmouth, ME 04096
Office: 207-846-2401
ezwirko at yarmouth.me.us<mailto:ezwirko at yarmouth.me.us>
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